Sunday, February 14, 2016

Rejection Therapy & Confidence Challenges

"Sooooo...Hi. We don't talk much, do we? Kathy, was it? My name's Rod. I do awesome stunts all the time with my friends. You probably didn't know that. And you probably have lots of cool stuff about you that I don't know. Point is, if you don't sit down with someone and really talk and get to know them you'll never find those things out."

If someone knows you're doing this, their rejection doesn't count.
If you don't ask, you'll never know. You need to ask to get what you want!

  • Hitchhike (lots of rejection, but one success)
  • Ask to sit in on a class that wasn't mine
  • Ask four other students to a group chat (success)
  • Ask another for their past tests for the course you're currently taking (success)
  • Ask a professor to audit their course without meeting the prerequisites (success)
  • Email someone well known (not necessarily a movie star), such as Peter Singer (success)
  • Ask for a few cents from a stranger at a waterpark (success)
  • Ask two girls for their numbers for your two friends (success)
  • Request a LinkedIn connection with a professor (rejection)
  • Ask several neighbors to mow their lawn; hand out flyers (all rejections)
  • Offer to babysit for a neighbor them (pay implied)
To-do ~ Just go out and ask:
  1. Ask someone who knows how to dance if they would teach you a cool move
  2. Ask someone to dance, anywhere (even if you don't know--they'll soon find out)
  3. Ask a farmer if they have rubber rings to castrate animals like goats (for recoil mechanism)
  4. Ask a hardware store person about small rubber gaskets (plumbing section) ~ rings inside 
  5. Ask a TA to see their past exams for the course or the next course
  6. Ask a stranger to rate my look
  7. Ask a friend to do your laundry
  8. Ask for no tax on a purchase
  9. Invite someone to your club meeting
  10. In a park, ask a person if they'd allow you to sit next to them on a bench
  11. Ask a "not close" friend for a head massage or shoulder massage
  12. Ask a stranger to scratch my back in a place I can't reach
  13. Offer to pay for someone's order
  14. Ask your boss for a raise. If unemployed, ask someone for a job
  15. Ask for directions from a stranger
  16. Invite someone you've never socialized with out to dinner
  17. Offer to help a stranger with their groceries
  18. Ask someone if they believe in God
  19. Ask someone their stance in politics
  20. Try to sell something to someone in person
  21. Try to buy something that is not for sale. Do it in person and make sure it's something you want.
  22. Before purchasing something, ask for a discount.
  23. Ask for a girl's number for yourself
  24. Ask for something that's not on the menu
  25. Strike up a conversation with a stranger on the bus
  26. Ask someone out on a date
  27. Ask a stranger for change for a dollar
  28. Ask someone I have a crush on for a kiss
  29. Asking a stranger if you can hug them
  30. Ask for a random stranger to add you to his social network
  31. Ask a cashier to let you have some small item, like gum, for free
  32. Ask someone to do their job for 10 minutes (such as for fast food)
  33. Radically change your look
    • spike your hair for a week
  34. Ask a stranger for their opinion on the economy
  35. Borrow $100 from a stranger
  36. Tour a warehouse (such as a grocery store)
  37. Play soccer in someone's backyard
  38. Send something to Santa Clause
  39. Have someone sing the Happy Birthday Song to me
  40. Learn sales from one of the top give car salesmen in the state
  41. Take an unregistered exam
  42. Give $5 to five random people
  43. Borrow a dog from the humane society
  44. Give a weather forecast on live TV
  45. Make announcements on a plane flight
  46. Ask strangers for compliments
  47. Get donations for charity on the street
  48. Slide down the pole at a fire station
  49. Cook something like a piece of meat or omelet at a restaurant
  50. Find a job in one day
  51. Ask a girl out to dinner
  52. Challenge a CEO to a staring contest
  53. Race a random person
  54. Partner up with a stranger to buy lottery
  55. Sit in a police car's driver seat
  56. Write an article for some magazine
  57. Hug a Walmart greeter
  58. Give away your favorite book. Ask the person to read it and tell you what they think.
  59. Try to acquire a good or service by trade
  60. Offer to give advice
  61. Ask for a ride from a stranger, even if you don't need one
  62. Knock on a neighbors door and ask for something
  63. Put sunglasses on random people
  64. Pump gas for strangers
  65. Bike race at a store
  66. Interview a panhandler
  67. Make your own sandwich at a sub shop
  68. Dance with waitress
  69. Get someone their opinion on a recent news event
  70. Smile at every person you walk past today
  71. Write a piece for the freshman composition anthology
  72. Plant a flower in someone's yard
  73. Give away apples to strangers
  74. Sleep at mattress store
  75. Ask others to get rejected with me
  76. Observe a high school class
  77. Exchange secrets with strangers
  78. Buy fresh fruit at Jamba Juice
  79. Feed a lion or another exotic animal
  80. Test drive an expensive car
  81. Sit on Lincoln's Lap in DC
  82. Recruit strangers to hold up signs near a lot of traffic
  83. Take pictures with strangers
  84. Learn a martial arts master's favorite move
  85. Play pick-up line tournament
  86. Offer a neighbor to babysit for them--for free
  87. Borrow a book from a bookstore
  88. Give a speech on the street
  89. Ask for one month free from a service provider
  90. Invite some people for your next hike, shopping 
  91. Ask someone what it would take to partner, for your next venture, etc. 
  92. Ask strangers & acquaintances for money.
  93. For travel, ask to stay with people and also ask them to stay with you.
  94. Ask someone to free associate from words with a word or a phrase
Tutoring summer job? weekend summer work? winter break work?
  1. Ask to switch roles with another employee for a day
  2. Do a YouTube video about your business
  3. Request a testimonial from a client
  4. Cold call a local prospect in person
  5. Visit someone who declined your product/service. Ask why.
  6. Invite a prospect/ allied business owner to your home.
  7. Ask for a sponsorship from an allied business
  8. Start a LinkedIn discussion group. Send out invitations.

    1. ask for an unusual favor from someone
    2. do something embarrassing

  • most people actually want to help you if you ask for it - especially if done politely
  • put yourself out there
  • Talk to at least three random people a day
  • Speak to a group of people with a mic, such as at an open mic event or karaoke 

How many of you believe in purpose in life? that you're here for a reason?